It’s Gone Too Far; We Need To Prosecute Trump to Clean Our House

Stephanie Here and Now
2 min readJan 6, 2021


This morning, as a nation, we woke up to the rantings of a man who is hell bent on starting a second American Civil war.

I don’t think it’s controversial to say that so I won’t elaborate on how he’s doing it. Suffice it to say, right this very minute, he is slated to speak to a group of thugs who want nothing more than to overthrow the government and kill every member of the Democratic party. That is not hyperbole and that is only one dissonant grace note in a cacophony of sedition staged, performed and directed by this President.

It is time to face the fact that we are going to have to take him to trial, and not only for national security reasons but also because over the last four years, he has defamed and damaged our country, for nefarious purposes, over and over again without being held to account.

Just this morning, his executive order making changes to the EPA that make it all but impossible to actually protect vital parts of our natural environment, has gone into effect. Migratory birds have lost vital protections under EPA regulations, sacred indigenous sites are being privatized for resource development, parts of the Alaskan coastline are literally going on the auction block as sites for oil drilling tomorrow morning. And these are only a few small parts of an agenda that has spanned four years and seems to exist only to harm, embarrass and isolate Americans from each other and from the rest of the world. These acts represent a fraction of a fraction of the damage he’s done.

If we undertake to undo all of the damage caused, maliciously, by this President by traditional means, it will require years and years of public consultation and billions of dollars simply to restore some semblance of the order of law we had in place before this madman assumed the role of President. For many civil servants, people who have already endured stress and anxiety well beyond what anyone should expect to tolerate, fixing this damage will require their efforts be devoted to focusing on the actions of this unindicted co-conspirator for the rest of their careers.

If we allow Trump to dictate the agenda of the next four years we are admitting he is above the law. He is not. Every American is equal under the law. And so I propose we prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

We need to do this because if, and when, he is found guilty of sedition, (and I do believe he would be found guilty if tried) I don’t believe any of his acts as President can be considered legal. Everything, every rule, every appointment, every loosening of regulations, was enacted illegally and therefore can, and should be rolled back to 2016 standards. All of it. Anything that has the signature of a traitor, even if it is beneficial to some Americans, must be struck from the books. We must begin again.



Stephanie Here and Now

American from Canada. Writer Researcher. I'm new around here.